My Reading Profile

For me, reading has always been something that I enjoyed. I have always loved traveling to other worlds and experiencing that world with the characters as they traveled their path. Although I have loved reading, I am someone who reads extremely slowly. I was also one of the students who had to do remedial reading programs through my school to catch up to my peers' reading levels, although that never stopped me from enjoying such. I have more recently been reading mostly in the form of audiobooks since they tend to be faster listening to the books than reading the physical pages, but I will always enjoy reading the physical pages as well.

The favorites that I love to read involve fantasy and romance a lot. They are my go-to genre of choice, and experiencing life through those lenses has always made me so happy. I also tend to read mainly from the young adult section, so hopping into the adult section is a little weird for me, but not completely off course. I have more recently branched out into the adult section with my reading, being that I have read Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series, which I have fallen in love with. I also am excited for this course to help me continue to branch out into books and series that I don't normally read. It's easy for me to find three different words that help me explain why I like the book so much, as talked about by Joyce Saricks. I also use this to help me describe my favorite books to others when they ask about my current read, along with the title and author (Saricks, 2009).

Some other books that I absolutely love are the Twisted Tail series by several authors that involve retelling all different kinds of Disney movies, Eliza and her Monsters by Francesca Zappia, which involves teenagers learning about how to go through life and also learning how to hide from the world, and Eat Your Heart Out by Kelly Devos, which is about growing up in the world and dealing with social pressures about looking a certain way and how people should not experiment on other people without official approval and going through proper testing.

My books following the genre choices for the class are as follows:

Thrillers (week 3) – Never Lie by Freida McFadden

Romance (week 6) – The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

Science Fiction (week 7) – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Fantasy (week 11) – Daughter in No Worlds by Carissa Broadbent

Young Adult (week 13) – The Counselors by Jessica Goodman 

For my reading choices, I really expanded on my normal choices of genre by picking up a thriller book. I normally don't choose thrillers, or others that are genres that seem closely related, being suspense, horror, and mysteries. I tend to avoid them since I have an active imagination and struggle to sleep, which is why I am completely uninterested in horror movies. I'm excited to try reading something new, and I also plan to make sure to give my brain ample time to not overthink my book choice before going to bed.

I'm excited to be in this course and to learn about all the different books that we choose to pick up, and I can't wait to see what else we have in store for this class. 


Saricks, J. (2009). At leisure: The rule of three. Booklist, 106(3), 25.


  1. We have the exact same thinking when it comes to thrillers and horror movies! I don't like the feeling of being afraid or anxious so I usually stay away from anything like that. Plus, I tend to have frequent nightmares so I don't need to add anymore fuel to that fire.

    Fantasy and romance are definitely my go to genres as well! If you want a super cute YA romance read i highly recommend 10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston! I absolutely loved that book and all of the characters in it. It's probably my favorite YA book I've ever read.

    1. Thank you for the recommendation Allison! I'm probably going to read it right after I finish all of the class readings. It sounds so nice and cute! I'm super excited to read to now!

    2. Please let me know what you think after you read it!! I love talking to people about that book!

  2. Hiya!

    It's funny, the reactions that you said about horror and mysteries, the ones that make you stay up at night, are the same kinds of reactions I have as well. But I've found recently that that is exactly why I have been seeking them out! I've been obsessed with horror novels in the past year, and the way that just a paragraph of existential horror can replay in my mind more vividly than some movie scenes has been just so fascinating to me. I don't enjoy being scared necessarily, or dreadful or sad, but I love when a work can take me to those places. I'm all in on the emotional rollercoaster!

    1. I completely get it Corey. I love replaying scenes in my head from my most recent reads, just like any movie scene you can repeat on a TV. I just don't want to keep myself awake with anxiety, because I make five trips to the front door because I need to be extra sure that I did lock it and no one will be coming in at any point. I am excited to read more books and have new experiences, hopefully with little anxiety inducing, sleepless nights.


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