Prompt Response - Week 13

For libraries, we should always be promoting all kinds of books and materials to patrons because we want to encourage patrons to read and use the library in all the ways that libraries provide for them. Everyone has preferences to what they want to read to do in their free time, and we should not put them down or make them feel bad for enjoying what they like. The library supporting readers who like graphic novels is certainly more important then not since it encourages those readers to keep reading books that they like, and it encourages them to continue to visit the library in the future. With encouragement, they may be able to create a group for people to visit and read graphic novels together and share their favorites with each other, which helps to create lifelong connections with other people. The same can be said about young adult books. If we create a space that welcomes all different kinds of readers, we can have more diverse groups of people who visit the library regularly and use the resources that the library has to offer for them. If we don’t encourage them to read what they like, I feel as though the library is just blocking those who want to use the library and creating a space that does not make people feel welcome to use the library.

Everyone has their own tastes and personal preferences, but we shouldn’t be passing judgment on those who like what they want to read. Everyone has something that they feel others would pass judgment on, why should we show that those thoughts are true and create a space that is unwelcoming to them? There is no reason to create a negative space, but continue to foster positive use of the library for the future.


  1. Hi Taryn! I really like what you said here: "If we create a space that welcomes all different kinds of readers, we can have more diverse groups of people who visit the library regularly and use the resources that the library has to offer for them." I hadn't thought about that component of the argument. I think you're absolutely right! The more materials we make available, the better we are serving the public. If we don't, we might be inadvertently discriminating against certain readers. The library and its resources are for the entire public, not just for readers with interests deemed more "literary." Good point!

    1. I am always looking for other view points in any discussion because I only have my own to look at. That's why I always want to reach out and be inclusive and understand where others come from. From there, I want to welcome everyone in so we can have a conversation. That's why it's so important to welcome everyone no matter what we do as the library.

  2. Like Melissa said - that was such a powerful line! Great response!


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