Prompt Response - Week 15

One method that the library markets our fiction section is by having books stands on the shelf to display any number of books. These are simple book stands that hold the book up so that the cover is facing outward. This gives the patron the chance to see a book and get them to possibly pick it up and read it. The goal of this is to have the patron see the cover of the book, be interested, and check the book out. This helps display everyday fiction books on the shelves and it has been shown to increase circulation of some books by using this method.

Another method that has been shown to increase circulation for fiction books is having book displays. This would be done with something certain going on, such as romance books of all kinds being displayed in February. The displays would say what genre they are offering and give the reader a chance to see some books that they might be interested in based on what the display is currently showing. This would be beneficial to include some genres that may not get as much love, such as mystery, thriller, and western. These book genres tend not to have displays, so it would be important to try and display other book genres that may not get as much circulation.

Lastly, I would want to make sure that there is a program called comfort reading, and that it would be for those who want to read books and share their favorite books with others. It would be set around a certain genre each month, and we encourage readers to read outside of their comfort zone to meet the genre, but you are not required to. We also encourage readers to share their favorite books from the genre we chose for the month to help get more patrons interested. We would want the person to have three minutes to talk about their favorite book to help encourage others to read their favorite book by describing the book and what the book does best in their eyes. It would also be encouraged for readers to talk about books they didn’t like but for them to talk about what the book did well. This would help others get more perspectives on what they may want to read. Overall, the program would be set up so that people can participate how they want and stay in a comfortable environment while also encouraging them to try new things.


  1. I love all of your ideas, especially the comfort reading one! I think it's a great way for patrons to get involved and for the library to get ideas of what items patrons would like to see added to the collection. Would there be any limitations on what books and patrons are included? Would it be frowned upon for a patron to show up with a junior fiction title or even younger patrons being involved with the program as well?

    1. I would want to make this an adult reading program, but I want to be as open as possible with the different kinds of books that adults would read, maybe including LGBTQIA+ books, young adult books, comic and manga books, and other genres that don't get seen as much. It would give everyone the opportunity to read books that they maybe hadn't thought to read before.

  2. I love the idea of comfort reading! This is a great way to not just market the fiction books but to get people to read outside of their genre. We have a group at work called The Bookaneers it is for people working in youth services (plus me, they let me stay after I moved to adult) and we read a specific genre book every month. This month we are reading a survival novel and I picked Gary Paulsen's Northwind. We each talk about our pick and it's been a cool way to read books I usually wouldn't and become more familiar with genres. The books are limited to children's though.

    1. What you are doing is honestly what I have in mind for my comfort books program, but it would be more angled towards adults.

  3. Your comfort reading program sounds perfect for the readers who may be intimidated by the idea of a formal book club or discouraged by trying to read a book they aren't interested in! I think it could definitely do a lot to reach a demographic of readers who wouldn't attend "traditional" book discussion programming.

  4. I would attend that comfort program. What a great idea!!


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